Securely manage your passwords

Find out the best way to protect your banking log-in credentials.


Your passwords are always safe with BBVA

BBVA offre tutti i mezzi a sua disposizione per garantire la sicurezza delle tue transazioni. It is important that your personal credentials (which only you should know), such as your card PIN or password to access Digital Banking, are kept safe. BBVA stores and protects them in the bank's internal systems with an encryption system, so that no one can find them out.

Remember that BBVA will never ask for your passwords via e-mail or SMS, so do not provide this information through these channels and do not save your passwords on your computer or tablet to prevent them from being subjected to cyber attacks. Always use the password managers or systems that a browser offers to save your personal credentials.

BBVA advice

 To properly protect your passwords, follow these tips:

  • Crea password complesse e difficili da decifrare che abbiano lettere maiuscole, minuscole e numeri.
  • Passwords are secret, so do not share them with anyone and change them periodically.
  • Do not write down your passwords. Memorize them or use a password manager.
  • On shared computers or if connected to public Wi-Fi networks, do not enter your login credentials, and do not provide personal data such as postal address, telephone number, etc.
  • Activate 2-factor authentication where possible, a secure system that requires another identification code in addition to your password (for example, a code sent to your smartphone). 
  • Se ricevi un SMS di conferma per una transazione che non hai effettuato, chiama la Linea BBVA al numero verde 800 17 26 39 e avvisa che si sta realizzando un’operazione senza la tua autorizzazione.


Request your physical or virtual BBVA Debit Card with a Dynamic CVV at no cost by opening the BBVA Online Account.

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