Per usufruire dei nostri servizi, apri il Conto Corrente BBVA a zero spese per sempre
- Conto corrente e carta di debito gratis per sempre.
- Operazioni a 0€ e 100% online.
- Apertura conto in poco più di 5 minuti.
Servizi Daily banking
Servizi di Risparmio
Servizi Sicurezza
Servizi Controllo
Servizi Pay per-use
Paga ora, dividi poi. After making a purchase, you can choose whether to break down the total amount into monthly installments with the label "payable in installments."
Ad esempio potresti fare un acquisto di 300€ e dividere il pagamento in 3 mesi, pagando un totale di 3€ di commissione. (APR: 0% and EAPR: 6.21%)*. -
Ogni volta che lo vuoi, ti accreditiamo lo stipendio in anticipo sul tuo conto.
For example, ask for €850 10 days in advance by paying a total of €0.50 commission. (APR: 0%, EAPR: 2.17%)*. -
Paga dall'app, in modo semplice e veloce, bollette non domiciliate, bolli, tasse, multe e abbonamenti. Con F24 il servizio è gratuito, con PagoPa e Cbill paghi solo 1,50€.
*For more information, consult the Basic European Information on Consumer Credit - Pay&Plan Service.
*Since all the installments of the Pay & Plan Service are always debited on the fifth day of each month (calculated with reference to the last day of the previous month), the EAPR actually applied varies according to the day of the month in which the customer has activated each installment. The example was calculated assuming that the customer requested the installment plan on the first day of the reference month.
*For more information, consult the Basic European Information on Consumer Credit - Salary in Advance service.
*The APR actually applied depends on the amount of the loan and the number of days between the date of the loan request and the repayment date.