Legal information and conditions of use
Legal information
Conditions of use
Lawful processing
Company name: Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A., Italian branch.
Main address in Italy: Corso Giacomo Matteotti 10, 20121 – Milan (IT).
Italian Companies Register No.: Companies Register of Milan, Monza, Brianza and Lodi No. 06862150155 (tax code, VAT number and registration number).
Contact details of the competent supervisory authority: Bank of Italy, with registered office in Via Nazionale 91, 00184 – Rome (IT)
Entered in the register of the Bank of Italy under the no.: 3576
The activity of BBVA in Italy is subject to the regulations provided for by the Consolidated Banking Act (Legislative Decree no. 385/1993) e alla relativa normativa di attuazione. For more information on the legislation applicable to EU banks operating in Italy, you can consult the Bank of Italy's website:
Contact email: In caso di domande, l'utente può contattare BBVA scrivendo all'indirizzo e-mail
Acceptance of the conditions of use
These conditions of use govern the use of the website that BBVA makes available to users.
Le condizioni d'uso, unitamente alle note legali, alla politica sul trattamento dei dati e alla politica sui cookie costituiscono, nel loro complesso, i termini e le condizioni che regolamentano l'accesso e l'uso del sito Web (di seguito denominati collettivamente "termini e condizioni del sito Web"). After signing the framework agreement for the provision of banking services by BBVA, the bank's customers will be able to access the private area of the Website when it becomes available.
Access to the Website and its use by the user implies full acceptance by the user of the terms and conditions of the Website and the obligation to comply with them. Therefore, the user must carefully read these terms of use, as well as the other terms and conditions of the Website each time he intends to make use of the Website, as they may be subject to changes. In this case, the user will be informed of these changes when he re-accesses the website. BBVA reserves the right to update, modify or delete the terms and conditions of use of the Website.
Website Terms and Conditions of Use
The user is obliged to make correct use of the website, where "correct" means use in compliance with the provisions of current legislation, as well as with the principle of good faith and public order. The user also undertakes not to use the website for fraudulent purposes and to avoid any conduct that could damage the image, interests or rights of BBVA and/or third parties. The user also undertakes to avoid any action aimed at damaging or overloading the Website or otherwise rendering it unusable or using it in any way that prevents its normal use and functioning.
The user is hereby informed that, in the event of failure to comply with any of the obligations arising from the Website's terms and conditions, BBVA reserves the right to limit, suspend or terminate the user's access to the Website, adopting any technical measures that may be necessary for this purpose. BBVA also reserves the right to apply such measures if there is a reasonable suspicion that the user is in breach of any term or condition set forth in the Website's terms and conditions.
BBVA reserves the right to update, modify or delete the information contained on the website, included in the contents and/or services integrated therein, as well as to limit or prevent access to such information at any time and without prior notice. BBVA reserves the right in particular to cancel, limit or prevent access to the website where technical problems arise due to facts or circumstances beyond BBVA's control and which, according to BBVA's assessments, are capable of limiting or compromising the security levels or standards adopted for the correct functioning of the Website. For these purposes, BBVA reserves the authority to decide, at any time, whether to continue providing the IT services offered through the website.
Website contents
The intellectual and industrial property rights on the website belong to BBVA or its licensors, including the availability of the content, the sui generis right on the underlying databases, the graphic design and user interface on the website (look and feel), the underlying computer programs (including source codes and object codes), as well as the various elements integrated into the website (texts, graphics, photos, videos, audio recordings, etc.), (hereinafter collectively the "Contents"). BBVA or their respective licensors also own the rights to the brand names, trademarks and other distinctive signs and symbols included on the website (“Trademarks”).
The use of the website by the user does not imply the transfer of any intellectual and/or industrial property rights on the website, on the relevant Contents and or on the Brand names of BBVA. Therefore, these conditions of use, except in circumstances where this is legally permitted and with the prior authorization of BBVA, expressly prohibits the user from reproducing, transforming, distributing, publicly communicating, making available, extracting information from and/or re-using the Website, its Contents and/or the Brand names of BBVA or those of any other third party that is integrated into the Website. BBVA si riserva il diritto di intraprendere azioni legali contro gli utenti che violino o contraffacciano i diritti di proprietà intellettuale e/o industriale, ivi inclusi sui Contenuti e/o sui Marchi.
BBVA grants the authorization to use the website to users who comply with the terms and conditions of the website, in a non-exclusive way, during the maximum period of validity of the intellectual and/or industrial property rights established in the applicable legislation (except for cases where access to the Website has been suspended for justifiable reasons), so that the user can use the Website in accordance with this document.
BBVA also DECLARES the following:
- The information contained on the website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute, nor can it be considered under any circumstances, recommendations of a legal, fiscal, financial, investment or technical nature, nor an offer or guarantee by BBVA; they also cannot be construed as a recommendation to execute transactions, nor will they form the basis for making decisions in a particular direction. BBVA excludes any liability arising from the use of the information contained on the Website by the Customer.
- The content of the site is aimed exclusively at users residing in Italy. No promotional activity or offering of banking and financial products through the website is directed to potential users in other jurisdictions, which may have restrictions and limitations on the offer of these type of products.
- The information provided by BBVA on the Website does not express any evaluation or recommendation regarding the products or services represented on the Website itself.
- BBVA is not responsible for whether the Website meets the user's expectations or not. BBVA is not responsible for the truthfulness, accuracy, sufficiency, integrity or updating of information that has not been produced by BBVA itself and for which another source is indicated. BBVA also excludes any responsibility for opinions or comments that may appear on the website, as they have been personally produced by users or may come from the sources indicated.
BBVA reserves the right to update, modify or delete the information contained on the website in accordance with the provisions of the conditions of use indicated above and does not accept any commitment to provide notifications regarding changes made to the information or contents of the Website. The user ACKNOWLEDGES AND ACCEPTS the above stated by BBVA and, moreover, GUARANTEES compliance with all the regulations that may be applicable to the user himself as a user of this Website.
Link to the Website
It is forbidden to establish links that lead to the Website, unless this has been previously authorized by BBVA. In any case, once the connection has been authorized by BBVA, it must comply with the following terms:
- The link may not consist of frames that allow you to view the website through Internet addresses other than those of the website itself or that show information from the Website in any other way together with information included on other Web pages.
- The Website that contains the link (hereinafter the "linking site") must not contain any kind of false, inaccurate or incorrect statement on the Website and/or on BBVA.
- BBVA sponsors, collaborates with, verifies or monitors the content and/or services provided by the linking site. BBVA will in no way be responsible for the contents of the linking site.
- The linking site must faithfully comply with the law and cannot, under any circumstances, host content, whether its own or from third parties, which: (i) harm the rights of third parties, are unlawful, offensive, insulting, violent, inappropriate or otherwise contradict common and social decency (pornography, racism, etc.); (ii) transmit or could convey to the user the impression that BBVA supports, adheres to or supports in any other way the ideas, statements or expressions of those who formulated them, whether they are lawful or unlawful; or (iii) are inappropriate and not relevant to BBVA's activities.
In the event of failure to comply with any provision of the conditions of use listed above, BBVA will take appropriate legal measures.
Linked sites
In order to help you find more information, BBVA may include various types of technical linking devices that allow you to access other Websites (the "linked sites"). In such cases BBVA will act as an information society service provider, in accordance with the provisions of Article 17 of the SSI Decree. BBVA will not be responsible for services and content provided through linked sites, except in the cases provided for by the SSI Decree (for example, in the event that BBVA is actually aware of manifestly illegal content and has not taken steps to remove them).
In no case does the existence of linked sites imply, on the part of BBVA, a recommendation, promotion, identification, compliance with the statements, contents or services provided by the linked sites. Therefore, BBVA declines any responsibility for the contents of linked sites, for the related terms and conditions of use and/or for the information, including those on privacy. The user is solely responsible for verifying these terms and conditions of use as well as the information and accepting them every time he accesses these sites and uses them.
Reporting of illegal or inappropriate activities
If you or any other Internet user is aware of any type of information or content, on the Website or provided through it, that is unlawful or infringes the rights of third parties or is harmful, offensive, violent, inappropriate or otherwise contrary to common decency and social usage, the aforementioned user may contact BBVA and indicate the following information:
- personal details of the person providing the notification: name, address, telephone number and e-mail address;
- description of the facts that reveal the illegal or inappropriate nature of the content or information as well as the exact address where they were found;
- where third party rights have been infringed, such as intellectual and industrial property rights, information on the owner of the infringed rights must be provided in the case of a person other than the notifier. Documentation must also be provided proving ownership of the infringed rights and, where applicable, proving the delegation to act on behalf of the rights holder in the event that the latter is a person other than the notifier.
Receipt of the notification described in this clause does not imply BBVA's actual knowledge of the activities and/or contents indicated by the notifying person, where such knowledge is not obvious or evident. In any case, after evaluating the legal issues involved, BBVA reserves the right to suspend or remove any content that, even if it is not illegal, is contrary to these conditions of use.
BBVA liability
The user should be aware that communications made through open networks and exposed to various threats cannot be considered secure. It is the user's responsibility to take all appropriate technical measures to reasonably control such threats, including, among others, the possession of malicious software detection systems such as viruses, trojans etc., as well as to keep the security patches in the relevant browsers up to date. For more information, you can consult BBVA's security policy or contact your Internet service provider, who can provide the appropriate solutions for your specific needs. To the extent permitted by applicable legislation, BBVA excludes any liability for damage or loss caused by the user as a result of risks inherent in the media employed, as well as for those caused by vulnerabilities in the user's systems and tools. Furthermore, BBVA does not guarantee the complete security of its systems and, although the appropriate security measures have been adopted, the existence of vulnerable points cannot be completely excluded; the user must therefore interact with the Website with caution.
In particular, BBVA will not be responsible for:
- damage or loss of any nature caused on the user's computer by viruses, worms, trojans or other harmful elements;
- damage or loss of any nature caused on the user's computer by malfunctions or disconnections in telecommunications networks and which may cause the suspension, cancellation or interruption of the website services while they are being provided; with regard to the foregoing, the user therefore acknowledges that access to the website requires services provided by third parties that are beyond the control of BBVA (for example telecommunications network operators, access providers, etc.), of which BBVA is unable to check the reliability, continuity and operation. BBVA is also not responsible for ensuring the availability of the Website services;
- information published by third parties, in cases where BBVA is acting as an ‘information society service provider’ as defined in the SSI Decree, except in the cases provided for by the SSI Decree (for example, in the event that BBVA is actually aware of manifestly illegal content and has not taken steps to remove them).
BBVA will not be liable for any damages, direct or indirect, that may be suffered by the user due to the improper use of the website and/or its contents. BBVA does not undertake any commitment to notify any changes to the contents of the Website.
Personal data protection
Use of cookies
Like other commercial websites, the Website uses a technology called "cookies". Detailed information for the user on how BBVA uses cookies can be found in the Cookie Policy.
Per ulteriori informazioni sulla sicurezza, consultare la Politica sui cookie.
Applicable law