Information on cookies

Puoi verificare e configurare i cookie cliccando sul pulsante Impostazioni qui sotto.

Cookie settings

What are cookies?

Any type of data storage and retrieval device used on the user's terminal (i.e. computer, mobile phone or tablet) to save information and retrieve it.

The term "cookie" is used here in its broadest sense, in order to include other similar technologies, such as shared objects or flash cookies, web beacons, bugs etc., as well as the use of fingerprinting techniques, or the ability of the device to digitally capture fingerprints.

What are cookies used for?

We use our own and third-party cookies for various purposes, such as recognizing the user, obtaining information on their products or interests, collecting statistical and usage measurement data, personalizing the contents shown or improving the range of products and services offered.

The specific purposes of each cookie can be viewed in the list of cookies in the Settings panel.

According to the purpose of the cookies:

  • Technical cookies: cookies that allow the user to browse the web page, platform or application and to use the options or services available, including those used by the editor to manage and operate the website and enable functions and services, for example to control traffic and the communication of data, identify the session, access restricted areas, remember the elements in a certain order, complete the disconnection process, manage payments, control fraud related to the security of the service, ask to register to participate in an event, count visits to bill the software licenses used in the service (website, platform or application), use security elements while browsing, store content to play video or audio, enable dynamic content (e.g. animations that upload text/images) or share content on social media.
  • Preference or personalization cookies: cookies that allow you to remember information so that users can view the service with certain characteristics that may differ from those of other users, such as language, products of interest to the user, contents of the service depending on the type of browser used to access the service itself or the region from which it is accessed, etc. 
  • Analysis cookies: cookies that allow you to monitor and analyze user behavior on the websites to which they are linked, including the quantification of the impact of advertising. The information obtained through this type of cookie is used to measure the activities carried out on the website, platform or application and then make improvements based on this data.
  • Profiling cookies: cookies that store information on user behavior obtained through the continuous observation of their browsing habits, thus allowing the development of a specific profile in order to show advertising based on the aforementioned behavior.

Depending on their duration, cookies can be classified as:

  • Session cookies: aimed at obtaining and storing details while the user has access to the website. They are usually used to store information that is useful only to provide the service requested by the user on a single occasion (for example, a list of products purchased) and are deleted at the end of the session.
  • Permanent cookies: type of cookie in which the data is stored in the terminal; they can be accessed and processed for a set period, which can vary from a few minutes to several years.

According to the company that manages them:

  • First party cookies: cookies sent to the user's terminal from a computer or a domain managed by the owner of the website that provides the service requested by the user. 
  • Third party cookies: cookies sent to the user's terminal from a computer or a domain that is not managed by the website owner, but by another company that processes the data obtained through the cookies. If cookies are installed from a machine or a domain managed by the website itself but their information is then managed by third parties, they cannot be considered first party cookies where the third party uses them for its own purposes, such as improving the services it offers or to provide, for example, advertising services on behalf of other entities.
Except for the cookies necessary to navigate and / or to provide the service requested by the user (technical cookies), the other types of cookies may be used only on the basis of the consent expressed by the user through the banner and the settings configured in the Settings panel.

The user can change or withdraw their consent at any time by changing the options in the Settings panel. You can access the Settings panel at any time through the link shown at the beginning of this information. 

Tuttavia, sebbene la scelta manifestata dall'utente venga conservata per massimo 24 mesi, chiederemo periodicamente di verificare il consenso. Similarly, if a change is made to cookies after having granted consent, to the way in which they are used or if a change of supplier of third-party cookies occurs, we will request the user's consent again.

For third-party cookies, the revocation process is managed and controlled exclusively by the provider of each service. You can delete them from the browser options or from the system provided by the third party itself. Please check the links provided for this in the Settings panel.

In any case, the user can, at any time, consent, block or delete cookies, as well as delete navigation information (including cookies) from the browser installed on their terminal. Please check the options and instructions provided by your browser for this purpose: 

Disabling all cookies does not prevent the user from browsing.

Personal data protection

Some cookies may involve the processing of personal data; this means that, when the user is identified by name or by an e-mail address that identifies him/her (e.g. if used to register), through the IP address or where unique identifiers are used that allow the recognition and monitoring of individual users (e.g. advertising ID).

To find out how we process personal data, please see our Personal Data Protection Policy here.

La presente informativa può essere modificata in qualsiasi momento laddove ciò sia richiesto dalla legge applicabile o qualora avvenga un cambiamento nella tipologia di cookie utilizzati.

Latest version: May 17, 2021.