
Rateizza comodamente i tuoi acquisti con Pay&Plan

  • Conveniente, con commissioni a partire da 0,50€.
  • Comodo, dividi in 3, 5 o 10 rate mensili l’importo degli acquisti effettuati durante gli ultimi 3 mesi.
  • Flessibile, puoi cancellare la rateizzazione quando vuoi senza costi né commissioni.

The Bank has the right to decide, at its own discretion, whether to offer the Customer to pay by installments through the Pay&Plan service on the basis of the customer's creditworthiness. All installments are due on the last day of the month and are debited on the fifth day of the following month, regardless of the date on which the payment by installments was requested. For example, this means that if the Customer has requested payment by installments on March 28, the first installment will still be due on March 31 and will be charged on the following April 5. If the fifth day of the following month falls on a non-working day, the debit date is set for the immediately preceding working day.

The APR therefore varies according to the day of the month on which the installment is requested: le simulazioni di cui sopra assumono che la rateizzazione sia richiesta il 01/01/2024. Although the APR varies depending on the day of the month on which the installment plan is requested, the total fee of the Pay&Plan will always be the same.

For more information, consult the Basic European Information on Consumer Credit - Pay&Plan Service

Buy first, then choose in how many installments you want to pay.

  • Dall’app scegli l'acquisto che vuoi rateizzare, seleziona l'opzione "Paga a rate" e decidi in quante rate pagarlo (3, 5 o 10).
  • Puoi rateizzare fino a 5 spese effettuate negli ultimi 90 giorni, con un importo minimo di 50€.
  • Autorizza l'operazione con il riconoscimento biometrico.

We remind you that you must have an approved available limit in order to be able to pay in installments for the purchases you will make with your debit card.

Inoltre i vantaggi continuano con altri servizi a 0€

  • Instant and regular SEPA transfers.
  • Salary in advance up to 5 days before.
  • Cash withdrawals in the Eurozone from €100.
  • Buy in foreign currency.
  • Pagamenti con F24 semplificato.
  • Domiciliazioni bancarie.
  • Servizio custodia titoli fino al 01/01/2026.

Finanziamenti flessibili per ogni esigenza

Scopri le altre soluzioni di finanziamento che ti offre BBVA: 
Prestito immediato, Carta di credito, Stipendio in anticipo.

Approfitta delle commissioni trasparenti e gestisci tutto 100% online dall’App BBVA.

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