Program your account

Risparmia facilmente grazie alle regole di Programma il tuo conto

What is Program your account?

It is a service made up of simple rules that help you to automatically manage your account to save and have more control over your money.

  • You can turn rules on and off, as and when you wish.
  • Manage your account automatically and grow your savings.

Secure your future. Set up automatic orders and save effortlessly

  • Round up your purchases

    Arrotonda i pagamenti e metti da parte la differenza sul tuo Conto Salvadanaio.
  • Risparmia stipendio

    Trasferisci automaticamente ogni mese una parte del tuo stipendio sul tuo Conto Salvadanaio.
  • Minimum balance

    Schedule a transfer from your Piggy Bank Account when the balance falls below the limit you set.
  • Maximum balance

    Set up a maximum limit on your checking account and the extra money will flow to your Piggy Bank Account. 

How does it work?

  • Open the BBVA App.
  • Click on Account > Show More > Program Your Account.
  • Select one or more rules and follow the instructions.

Come funziona Programma il tuo Conto

Accumulate your savings with the Piggy Bank Account service

Crea i tuoi obiettivi all’interno del Conto Salvadanaio e versa periodicamente piccole o grandi somme di denaro per raggiungere i tuoi traguardi.

More than 34 million customers are already using our app.

What are you waiting for? Do it too!

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