How to save money at home

 Useful ideas for reducing consumption by eliminating waste.

Come abbiamo già visto in altri articoli, la prima cosa da fare per risparmiare in casa è creare un bilancio familiare. This will give you an overview of your income and expenditure, highlighting any unnecessary outgoings that you need to minimize or eliminate quickly, so you can save more in the shortest time possible. 

Once you have listed your income and expenditure, the next step is to reduce the various types of household consumption. Here are some ideas and cautions to consider:

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  • Replace conventional light bulbs with LEDs; they consume 90% less energy and last between 5 and 20 years. They do cost more, but in the long run they will help lower your bill.
  • Save electricity. Only turn on the light or electrical appliances when you use them. It doesn't take much effort but it really cuts certain costs. 
  • Choose low-consumption appliances (class A energy efficiency) and use them sensibly. Like LED bulbs, they may be more expensive, but they certainly reduce your monthly bill. 
  • Avoiding wasting water will also help you save at home. Flow limiters can help you do this. They are quick and easy to install in your faucets and, as an example, will save you up to 10 liters of water less per minute when you shower. 
  • Sell what you don't need on marketplace apps. Not only will this free up space at home, you'll have an extra source of income. 
  • Where possible, share accounts for music, film, and television platforms with friends, relatives or work colleagues, to save on monthly subscription fees. 

Plan your monthly shopping well before you visit the grocery store. Make a list and look for offers with the best value for money.

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