Optimize your finances: how to learn to save money

Scopri i migliori metodi per risparmiare soldi

Statistics show that Italian families saved more in 2020. A trend that, although born during the Covid-19 pandemic, has served (for many) as a starting point for a practice that, in the long term, allows you to live in a more relaxed way. 

But how can we further improve the management of our finances? How can we save more? Ti proponiamo una serie di approcci che vanno dalla semplice riduzione delle spese e del consumo intelligente fino al modello 50/30/20, includendo anche un nuovo concetto di risparmio e la capacità di resistere alla tentazione di acquistare prodotti non necessari. In other words, simple but effective tricks that will help you achieve your goal.

Risparmiare non è mai stato così facile

Con il pack risparmio usufruisci degli strumenti necessari per mettere soldi da parte senza sforzi.

How to save money

There are a number of ways to save money. It all starts, of course, with a reduction in expenses and more informed consumption that will allow you to have more money in your account at the end of the month. Even small daily gestures like turning off appliances or controlling water usage can have a major impact on managing your finances.

Pay attention to finding the best deals. Check prices and compare them often to find the best value for money. The Internet is a valuable ally, offering a wide range of comparison tools that will make the job easier.

Creating a family budget will help to identify your savings capacity and to better control finances. You will need to clearly indicate what your overall income and expenses are in order to have a realistic idea of the savings to be put aside each month. This way, you can determine which part of your income will be used to cover expenses and which will be used to save.

Un'altra tecnica molto utile e sempre più  diffusa è la regola del 50/30/20. This technique involves dividing one's income into three blocks, each with a different purpose. For example, 50% is destined to meet basic needs such as house and food expenses, 30% will be used to cover expenses considered positive (for leisure or holidays) even if not essential and, finally, 20% is reserved for monthly savings. To avoid surprises, before putting this approach into practice it is very important to determine which expenses fall into each percentage.

Apps that help you save

These tips are useful for trying to understand how to manage your money to save as much as possible and thus make the most of your income. Per metterle in pratica esistono moltissime applicazioni che funzionano da salvadanaio digitale a cui destinare i propri risparmi.

A savings goal is completely personal: The customer decides for what, how much, and for how long he or she wants to save. The applications allow you to set up automatic rules to set aside small amounts of money every time you incur new expenses or there is some income. They often contain categories based on objectives such as: travel, leisure, home, vehicles, etc. to decide where to allocate your savings.

The new piggy bank apps offer you a way to save or invest money simply and intelligently. It takes just a few steps to build your own, small savings fund.

Una di queste è Programma Il tuo Conto a cui potrai accedere dall'App BBVA. This feature will make it easier for you to reach your savings goal with 4 rules: Minimum balance, Maximum balance, Round up purchases, and Save salary.

Save without difficulty: improve the management of your finances and control your expenses.

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