What is a trojan? It is a type of malware that remotely accesses any device and can steal banking data from users during banking operations.
Il pharming è un tipo di attacco informatico il cui obiettivo è il furto di dati personali. Consiste nel reindirizzare il traffico web da un sito legittimo a uno falso manipolato, per richiedere informazioni o installare malware sul computer dell'utente, al fine di ottenere informazioni personali e finanziarie. 
Vishing is a type of phishing carried out by cybercriminals through phone calls or messages left in your voicemail in order to obtain your personal data. 
With the arrival of vacation time, the demand for renting tourist accommodations increases and fraud attempts in the real estate sector multiply. This is how to defend yourself.

Nel nostro cellulare sono contenute molte informazioni sensibili, dai codici di accesso, ai dati bancari, inclusa la geolocalizzazione. Se hai perso o ti hanno rubato il cellulare segui alcuni consigli utili per mettere al sicuro il tuo dispositivo.


Il Black Friday e il Cyber Monday sono un'ottima occasione per fare affari, ma attenzione alle truffe online! Gioca alla roulette di BBVA e scopri come difenderti.
Cos'è l'Internet of Things (IoT)? It is the name given to all devices interconnected through the Internet. Here's how to protect them from cyber attacks.
How to protect children and adolescents from digital threats? Strumenti come il parental control e una buona comunicazione possono aiutare. Here are our tips.
Spyware is one of the most common cyber attacks that any Internet user can fall victim to. It can endanger your personal information.
Information circulates freely on the internet and we are often victims of cyber attacks. How to protect your personal data and browse securely?
The main objective of a cyber attack is the financial benefit. To achieve this, there are different types of attacks aimed at stealing the confidential information of individuals and companies. 
A money mule is a person who transfers illegally obtained money in exchange for a commission and on behalf of others.

Smishing is a scam carried out by cybercriminals using SMS to access your personal data. Find out what it is and how to defend yourself. 


The CEO scam is a cyber fraud in which a cyber criminal steals the identity of an executive within an organization. Find out how to defend yourself.

The Bank of Italy recently denounced various scam attempts at the expense of banking institutions. The criminal attacks have been classified as vishing cases.


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