Spyware: what it is, what types exist, and how it can be eliminated.

Learn how to protect yourself online and avoid these dangerous cyber threats.
Spyware is one of the most common cyberattacks and any internet user can fall victim to it. It appears as a simple problem with the computer and is often ignored, but there are major risks hidden behind this malicious software that can jeopardize the user's personal information. Continue reading to find out what spyware is, how it may manifest itself, and how to get rid of it.

What is spyware?

Spyware is a kind of software that is installed on a user's computer without them noticing. It usually hides among programs installed voluntarily by the user, so it is very difficult to detect. Once on the computer, it gathers all the information to send to third parties. This tends to be personal information: from search history to passwords and email accounts, completely violating the user's privacy. Il danno che può causare varia a seconda del tipo di spyware, e va da problemi più comuni come un’infezione informatica al computer, fino a causare danni più gravi come il furto di identità. 

One of the main problems is how difficult the software is to detect, as it can be installed on the user's computer without them even noticing. It generally hides inside programs or files that you download from the internet or as email attachments. However, there are certain signs of spyware you can look out for, so it can be identified. For example, these may include the computer running particularly slowly, unknown icons suddenly appearing on the toolbar, or even searches being redirected or carried out in an unknown browser.

Types of spyware

Knowing about the different types of spyware can help you recognize them. Here are the main ones: 

  • Keylogger: this is one of the most dangerous. A keylogger records the keystrokes made by the user on their computer. The greatest risk is that passwords can be recorded when making a purchase with a credit card, for example.
  • Adware: this is the most common. It constantly generates pop-up advertisements. Not only is this annoying, it can also save and forward the user's information without their consent when they enter any of the pop-up sites.
  • Infostealer: like the keylogger, it gathers and forwards information from the user's computer without them knowing. This software indiscriminately gathers all data entered on the computer: from multimedia to search history, including passwords and email accounts.

We must remember that spyware evolves and adapts to evade new security measures built into operating systems. So it is difficult to offer a complete overview of this kind of software.

How to remove spyware

Even though it can be hard to detect, it is possible to avoid it being installed on your computer. The best solutions are: 

  • Use an anti-spyware tool: these scan your computer in search of any spyware. Once the scan is complete, they then delete any spyware detected. These programs are usually the most effective and you have the option of free or paid versions. 
  • Delete it manually: this is more complicated, as the spyware is able to conceal itself. If you can find it, however, deleting it will remove the threat. This option is most suitable for users with advanced computer skills. 
  • Reinstall the operating system: this is probably the most drastic measure, but sometimes it is the only alternative. If the anti-spyware program is unable to remove the problem, you can format your computer. Your data will be erased during the formatting process, so it is important to back it up before starting this. 

Removing spyware once detected is complicated, so it is better to prevent the problem in the first case. To avoid this type of malware being installed on your computer, make sure you keep the operating system and browsers up to date, avoid unsafe websites and downloads, and carry out periodic scans, even if there doesn't appear to be any sign of the malware.

Spyware is one of the most common problems any internet user can experience. Detecting and deleting it in time is crucial to avoiding the theft of your personal information.

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