BBVA is the European leader in Digital Experience for the fifth consecutive year

According to the recent report "The Forrester Digital Experience Review™: European Mobile Banking Apps, Q3 2021" BBVA is the European leader in Digital Experience for the fifth consecutive year, thanks to mobile banking. This report identifies leaders in Internet banking and user experience, and shares Best Practices in different categories across European banking apps. 

According to this year's report, BBVA is one of two leading banks to step onto the podium and achieve this recognition. The Spanish firm has especially distinguished itself for the experience it offers regarding financial well-being, helping clients to improve their own through personalized advice. This feature also offers useful content that guides customers in the daily management of their finances with a clear and inclusive design.

Gonzalo Rodríguez, Director of Commercial Development for BBVA in Spain, stressed that "being one of the first banks in Europe to have the best Internet banking app confirms the success of BBVA's digital experience. With this app, we want to offer our customers the best digital service, but also help and guide them in their most important financial choices."

According to the report, "traditional banks can match the speed and agility of 'neobanks,' and, in fact, many have already launched new apps this year or are in the process of doing so. The use of technology, the integration of modern development techniques, and the abundant resources used allow banks to offer better online services and to keep up with neobanks or even surpass them. While online banks continue to perform well in our analyses, they have been surpassed by major, traditional banks, in terms of mobile services."

As a result of these improvements in online banking app services, Forrester stressed that BBVA, along with another European bank, is systematically a leader in various areas of Internet banking.

In this sense, the document indicates that BBVA is one of the banks to offer easy-to-understand spending forecasts grouped by financial report categories. 

The report "The Forrester Digital Experience Review"

To find out how banks are meeting customer expectations, Forrester looked at the mobile apps of thirteen European institutions, with regard to functionality and user experience, between June and July 2021. In this year's report, Forrester included major retail banks and four neobanks. Internet banking applications are reviewed annually.

Forrester rated the banks' mobile apps based on 25 criteria for functionality and another 25 for user experience. The analysis combines the results of usability tests from 390 customers. Thanks to the report, Best Practices are revealed in many categories among the different European banking apps that stand out for functionality and user experience.


Always keep your financial situation under control from your smartphone in an easy and intuitive way.

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