Cos'è l'Internet of Things (IoT)? It is the name given to all devices interconnected through the Internet. Here's how to protect them from cyber attacks.
How to protect children and adolescents from digital threats? Strumenti come il parental control e una buona comunicazione possono aiutare. Here are our tips.
Spyware is one of the most common cyber attacks that any Internet user can fall victim to. It can endanger your personal information.
Information circulates freely on the internet and we are often victims of cyber attacks. How to protect your personal data and browse securely?

BBVA e Zurich Connect lanciano la seconda campagna promozionale congiunta: daranno in omaggio una carta regalo Amazon di 75€ a tutti i nuovi clienti Zurich che acquisteranno una polizza e apriranno un conto corrente in BBVA.


The main objective of a cyber attack is the financial benefit. To achieve this, there are different types of attacks aimed at stealing the confidential information of individuals and companies. 
BBVA e Zurich Connect lanciano la loro prima campagna promozionale: daranno in omaggio una carta regalo Amazon di 75€ ai clienti Zurich che rinnoveranno la loro polizza e diventeranno clienti BBVA.
BBVA compie un ulteriore passo avanti verso la parità di genere e mira a raggiungere, entro il 2024, un obiettivo del 35% di presenza femminile in posizioni dirigenziali.
BBVA e il Gruppo Iren hanno raggiunto un accordo di collaborazione strategica per offrire in maniera congiunta, ai rispettivi clienti, servizi digitali sostenibili.
BBVA Italia will be taking part in Money 20/20, announcing the consolidation of its product offer, with the addition of the new “Immediate Loan” service, exclusively for customers.
The British magazine The Banker, belonging to the Financial Times group, awarded BBVA in 2020 the award of "Best bank in Europe and in the world for Innovation in Digital Banking"
From the report of "The Forrester Digital Experience Review BBVA" it emerges that BBVA is the European leader in Digital Experience thanks to mobile banking.
A money mule is a person who transfers illegally obtained money in exchange for a commission and on behalf of others.

Smishing is a scam carried out by cybercriminals using SMS to access your personal data. Find out what it is and how to defend yourself. 


The CEO scam is a cyber fraud in which a cyber criminal steals the identity of an executive within an organization. Find out how to defend yourself.
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