Bank at a glance

Basic notions to know and understand our main financial products and concepts

What's the difference between a credit card and a debit card? Which one is most convenient? Both are linked to a checking account but they work differently.


Il bonifico bancario è un ordine di pagamento che consiste nel trasferire una somma di denaro da un conto corrente ad un altro in modo facile e sicuro.
There are a number of benefits to opening an online current account; it helps you to save time and costs. Use internet banking for your transactions.
What are the deductions that define the amount of a pay slip? A net salary is the amount that a worker receives on their pay slip, excluding taxes. 
PayPal is a secure online payment method that allows you to pay with your credit and/or debit card. Find out how to activate your PayPal account.
The IBAN code is the identification code of the current account number. The BIC or SWIFT code, on the other hand, is the one that corresponds to the banking institutions and branches.
Features of credit, debit, and prepaid cards: find out how they work and choose the one that best suits your needs. 
The economic cycle is a set of economic phenomena that follow one another in a given period, divided into 4 phases based on the moment, ascending or descending, in which the market is found.
It is a 3 or 4 digit numerical code. It is used as a security tool in transactions where the card is not physically used, such as when shopping online.
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